You Are The Light of The World-Matthew 5:14
Letters to My Father
Meet Wiletta, The Letter Finder. Her busy lifestyle drew her away from God. Will the letters draw her back to Him?
Meet Faith, Private Investigator and Wiletta’s best friend. Will she answer Wiletta’s pleas to find Joseph, a boy missing his Mom and needing a friend? Cristina, a Daddy’s Girl struggling with abandonment? Katerina, caught deep in the pain and despair of miscarriage? Zachary, eating his way through pain only to become a food addict? Adam, who loves images of women more than his wife?
What happens when a letter you wrote, in a time you want to forget, appears on your doorstep, in the hands of two strangers?
Judge, 28th Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards
LETTERS TO MY FATHER by Crissie Ann Leonard is a touching, heartwarming, and uplifting novel about God and holding on to Him while you are in despair. The novel has an appealing and unusual pretext: a woman buys letters and then finds the people who wrote them with the help of her best friend, who happens to be a private eye. Since this is fiction, the reader is willing to suspend disbelief and go along with the story. While the premise is not impossible, it is a tad improbable. However, the author writes well in first person POV, and the letters, by extension, are also in first person. It's clear that the author has a heart for people and for the Lord. The reader's spirit is moved while reading each letter.
Overall, this is a wonderful novel that will appeal to any reader with a heart, and especially to Christian readers. This reviewer hopes this novelist will write many more books.